
The Biorol Technology is a process used to produce a product – the Biorol natural fertilizer – from waste. The process is carried out using an innovative method of simultaneous processing of stabilized municipal sewage sludge or industrial sludge (mainly from the agri-food industry) and ashes generated by biomass combustion.

A waste treatment plant has the capacity of up to 1 Mg/h and a yield of biosynthetic fertilizer of 150-400 kg/h.

The produced Biorol fertilizer is an organic or organic-mineral fertilizer.

The Biorol fertilizer is in the form of granules, with the dimensions from 2-6 mm, and humidity below 15%.


The substrates of the Biorol Technology are:

– stabilized municipal or sewage sludge from the agri-food industry, which are characterized by a high content of organic and fertilizer compounds, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compounds;
– ashes from biomass combustion, with a high content of calcium oxide, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium compounds, with a significant content of mineral compounds and strong deacidification properties.

Wastes with variable morphology can be processed because a program of quantitative dosing of substrates has been developed, taking into account qualitative characteristics.

Implementation of our Biorol Technology in companies that generate waste or deal with waste management is only a source of income, which significantly affects the costs associated with the investment in Biorol Technology.


The Technology Line consists of the following modules:

  1. Preparation of the mixture for drying together with storage facilities for raw materials and with transport;
  2. Drying of a standardized waste mix;
  3. Packaging of the final product – bio-fertilizer;
  4. Purification of gases and dusts from the drying process and feeding the drying plant;
  5. Control and Instrumentation
Technologia Biorol Technologia Biorol Technologia Biorol


The Biorol Technology enables the processing of municipal sludge or industrial sludge and bio-ashes into full-value organic fertilizers, organic-mineral fertilizers, or products that improve soil properties, while eliminating pollution and reducing the risk to the natural environment, and to health and life of humans and animals.


Technologia Biorol Technologia Biorol Technologia Biorol


Application of the Biorol Technology

Our installation is intended for sewage treatment plants, waste generating companies, and businesses whose main economic activity is related to waste management. Buyers of our installation may also include companies interested in highly efficient, low-cost, innovative waste treatment technology for the processing of waste for production of a certified agricultural product for commercial use


Implementation of the Installation The Biorol technology enables the Investor to generate revenues from several sources:

– for processing sewage sludge
– for processing bio-ashes
– for selling an organic or organic-mineral fertilizer

On the other hand, producers of waste – sludge or ashes, or businesses that store waste do not pay any fees related to the guarantee deposit for stored waste or environmental fees.

Consequently, implementation of our Biorol Technology in companies that generate waste or deal with waste management is only a source of income, which significantly affects the costs associated with the investment in Biorol Technology.

Benefits, advantages, and innovation of the Biorol Technology

Processing of sewage sludge into organic fertilizers, composts, organic-mineral fertilizers, or products supporting plant growth are technological solutions that have already been offered and implemented in the Polish market. The current technologies do not provide for simultaneous processing of sewage sludge and ash from biomass combustion. No technology has so far enabled the use of bio-ashes in the process of production of organic or organic-mineral fertilizers. This factor determines the innovativeness of the Biorol Technology.

There are many fertilizers produced from sewage sludge mixed with ashes from the combustion of hard coal and brown coal. They improve soil properties but are characterized by a lower content of fertilizer ingredients, are often contaminated mainly with heavy metals, and do not have such strong deacidification properties of the soil.

The second factor that makes the Biorol Technology innovative is the innovative design of the dryer used in the process of waste mixture drying, which makes it possible to process sludge that is technologically difficult to process because of the so-called “sticky phase” and high level of hydration.


The Biorol Technology has the following advantages

– The compactness of the installation makes it possible to be built by businesses with small available sites;
– The loss of the status of waste by sewage sludge and ashes during one process eliminates the costs of waste management and the cost of its storage;
– The economic process of simultaneous processing of waste, which does not require additional supplementation of the elemental composition of the fertilizer mixture, contributes to higher profitability of sales of the finished product;
– The design of the dryer improves the efficiency, the productivity, and the energy efficiency the process.
– The energy efficiency lowers the cost of drying of the waste mixture, e.g. by using an exothermic reaction with calcium compounds present in the ashes, which reduces the energy required to reduce the moisture content of the mixture.
– Reduced costs of operation of the equipment and costs of human error compared to non-automated technologies. The Biorol Technology installation enables quantitative dosing of both wastes, taking into account their qualitative characteristics.
– The Biorol Technology installation reduces the costs of heating the production building by using waste heat;
– The Biorol biofertilizer, which is the product of the Biorol Technology, is a ready-to-use fertilizer that improves soil structure, deacidifies soil, and improves the uptake of micro- and macroelements by plants. It is a hydrophobic fertilizer, which makes it possible to store it during winter.
– The product, in the form of a natural fertilizer, constitutes an additional source of income and does not generate costs, as it loses its waste status, thus releasing the company from its obligations under the Waste Act.
– Ease of operation from a biochemical and technical point of view;
– The Biorol technology works as a continuous line in the location where waste is produced, and its proximity to the plant makes it possible to reduce investment costs because of the simultaneous process of waste disposal through its recovery.

Operation of the Biorol Technology installation can be seen on our YouTube channel.


Safe – Controlled – Optimized
Biorol Technology

In the Biorol technology, the composition of the waste mixture used in the process has been standardized to achieve the best qualitative characteristics of the Biorol natural fertilizer. For the purpose of the Biorol technology, a program for quantitative dosing of waste into the process with variable morphology of input materials has been developed. The whole process is monitored with regard to process parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity of the mixture and the product, granule size, and efficiency. For safety reasons, the heating medium in the installation does not come into direct contact with the dried material. An unquestionable advantage of the Biorol Technology is the innovative design of the drying plant. The solution, in the form of a special design of the blades inside the drying plant, counteracts the “sticky phase” during the sludge and ash mixture drying process. The applied solution reduces the need for thermal energy during the reduction of the hydration of the mixture. The design of the drying plant is air-tight, which minimizes the accumulation of dust on the machinery and process equipment in the building and prevents odor nuisance. Granulation of the produced Biorol fertilizer enables safe transport and storage and easy control of its application to the soil.