In the project titled “Development of innovative and environmentally friendly technology for production of natural fertilizer from waste,” the Company cooperated with experienced scientists whose substantive support was provided by:
Prof. Jacek Dach – Institute of Engineering, Institute of Biosystem Engineering, Poznań University of Life Sciences
dr Damian Janczak – Institute of Engineering, Institute of Biosystem Engineering, Poznań University of Life Sciences
Dr. Grzegorz Siebielec – Head of the Department of Soil Science, Erosion, and Soil Protection of the Institute of Agriculture, Fertilization, and Soil Science – National Research Institute in Puławy;
as well as Prof. Adam Koniuszy from the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture, Department of Agrotechnical Systems Engineering, Prof. Albin Czernichowski, and Prof. Janusz Wandrasz.
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